
Unroasted Panama Finca La Lerida

Finca La Leirda Farmers

Unroasted Panama Finca La Lerida


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Finca Lerida is a renowned coffee plantation nestled in the picturesque highlands of Chiriqui, Panama. With a history dating back to 1911, when it was founded by Norwegian engineer Toleff Bache Mönniche, the plantation has gained a reputation for producing high-quality coffee recognized worldwide.

Mönniche stumbled upon this unique location while searching for a place to recover from his fourth bout of malaria, which he contracted while working on constructing the Panama Canal. After a long and arduous journey, he arrived at Finca Lerida, which sits at the foot of the Baru Volcano and the Central Range’s high ridges. The property, which used to be half grasslands and half tropical forests, remains an exceptional spot worldwide.

After retiring from the Panama Canal in 1924, Mönniche and his wife Julia moved to Finca Lerida, where he built a beautiful house in a Norwegian countryside style. He also designed and patented the “sifon,” a device used for separating good beans from bad, which is still used worldwide by many coffee plantations today.

In 1929, Finca Lerida exported its first shipment of Panamanian coffee to Germany, which helped establish Panama’s reputation as one of Europe’s best-quality exotic coffee producers. The Collins family purchased the farm in 1957 and continued to enhance its reputation for producing excellent coffee.

The Lerida Estate, situated in the Highlands of Boquete, Panama, is a natural reserve with diverse flora and fauna. The coffee is grown at elevations between 1600 and 1800 meters above sea level and is carefully washed and sun-dried. The Amoruso family, who are the estate’s current owners, have worked hard to balance their commercial interests with their commitment to protecting the environment. The result is a stunning nature preserve that offers world-class coffee and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the surrounding landscape.


SKU: URPANLERI Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 4535.92 g
Dimensions 9.21 × 32.639 × 5.8801 cm
